Distech Controls' Smart Room Control Solution is an end-to-end system for the control of HVAC room terminal equipment, Lighting, and Shades/Sunblind, achieving the highest levels of comfort for occupants while increasing operating cost savings, from installation time and wiring/material requirements to energy consumption. It is a unique, modular solution designed for local or room applications, such as offices, patient rooms, dorms, military housing, etc.

Energy Savings Delivered
- Integrated solution designed to deliver optimal energy savings using occupancy-based control strategies, daylight harvesting based on light level sensing and natural light optimization
- Automation of shades/sunblinds increases the insulation factor of windows
- Energy savings in excess of 30% on HVAC and up to 60% on lighting demonstrated by study at the Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Germany.
Increased Occupant Comfort
- Occupants can adjust temperature, lighting and shade/sunblind settings in the room to achieve a level of personalized comfort
- Automation of shade/sunblind levels based on indoor and outdoor light levels allows occupants to benefit from increased natural light
- Variety of room devices and convenience of a mobile App addresses the requirements of LEED® Credit 6.2: Controllability of Systems—Thermal Comfort
- Studies have shown an increase in employee productivity of up to 20% with appropriate lighting, up to 50% with appropriate temperature settings, and up to 9% when provided control over their environmental settings (CIBSE TM24 Environmental Factors Affecting Office Worker Performance: Review of Evidence, published in summary article by Healthy Heating, Indoor Environmental Quality: Effects on Productivity, Learning and Energy Efficiency)
Easy to Configure
- The 3 functions (HVAC, Lighting, and Shades/Sunblind) can be configured through one seamless interface - no additional discovery, bindings, or commissioning required
- Can be fully customized through EC-gfxProgram to meet the most advanced energy efficient application requirements
- Reduce configuration time with gfxApplications, custom blocks, code and project examples

Lowest Total Installed Cost
- The Lighting and Shade/Sunblind expansion modules are connected to the extended HVAC controller on a sub-network and can easily be installed near the equipment they control, reducing wiring and installation costs
- Expansion modules do not require additional nodes on the LON or BACnet networks
- Motion and luminosity sensing information are shared across all 3 functions, providing optimal performance with only one sensor to install and configure
- 1 combination of the Smart Room Control Solution allows you to control up to 8 Light loads (with 2 ECx-Light Expansion Modules) and up to 8 Shade/Sunblind motors or motor groups (with 2 ECx-Blind Expansion Modules), and support up to 4 EC-Multi-Sensor and 4 EC-Smart-Vue
End-to-End Solution
- Simplifies design, installation and integration of multi-application systems including HVAC room terminal equipment, Lighting, and Shades/Sunblind control
- Increases the reliability of integrated systems